

SPIRITUAL WISDOM: Much More Than Knowledge

I have been on a spiritual journey of sorts since I was 19, after taking my first Reiki class and reading a few key books that opened up my mind and soul to the possibilities of understanding spiritual wisdom that has yet to be scientifically explained.  This metaphysical world fascinated me, and I dove in to learn as much as a could about topics such as energy healing, law of attraction, reprogramming the subconscious mind and accessing intuition. After 20 years of exploring and growing on this path, I’ve come across many ah-ha’s and many understandings that often would dispel previously held beliefs.  I want to share a couple of experiences that you or others may be having that may support you.

Spiritual wisdom is much more than knowledge! I’ve read a ton of books, listened to well-respected/well-known spiritual teachers, taken umpteen classes and then would wonder why after all these teachings and knowledge, nothing was really changing.  All of the understandings and experiences I had were wonderful, but I really only had intellectual understandings, because I did not fully incorporate or practice what I learned, but instead would be stuck in my mental mind.  I did not impact much change on an energetic level.  For example, I understood the concepts of “The Law of Attraction” inside and out and even would apply it “sometimes”, but until I really began to immerse myself into the law of attraction as a daily, even hourly practice, it would just remain an understanding. It was helpful to have information about these concepts, but wasn’t making the improvements I was hoping for until I actually deepened my experience and began to apply the information daily and energetically.

There is no end to uncover what needs healing if you keep digging.  In healing, you may have heard the term, “peeling away layers of the onion,” meaning layer by layer we address healing around all the negative or traumatic events we’ve endured.  Well, let me shed some light on this topic.  There are an infinite number of layers that we can continue to peel and heal!  Think about the eons of past lives you have had and all the trauma and drama you’ve experienced.  After many years of peeling my onion, it felt like there was no end in sight.  I was disheartened, as there was issue after issue which I recognized created my limiting beliefs, negative emotions and energetic blocks.

Once I stopped looking into what needed “fixing” in my past and started to invest my energy and my time on what I wanted to create in the present and the future, it was a game changer for me.  I began to manifest and attract what I wanted in life.  I began to see my choices from an empowered perspective versus being a victim of my circumstances from the past.  I now get to choose from a place of creating as I no longer seek to “heal” the past. I know that I am perfect just the way I am and so are you!  I powerfully know that I create my life with the choices I make, and in doing so, the past crap just dissolves away because it can no longer live in the light that I have chosen to live in.

There are many ah-ha moments along the path and these are a couple that have been highlighted for me over the past year or so.  Just remember to trust yourself along the way, as all the truth and wisdom resides within you, not without.

WATCH me on "Living The Shift" Show with Angela Coulter

I had a wonderful experience joining Angela on her show, Living the Shift where we discuss being distracted by the "shinies"! It was an elightening discussion about focusing your attention on loving your true authentic self and giving your self the attention you deserve! We also included an energy clearing at the end that you can tap into!

Streamed live on Jul 28, 2015

DISCUSSION TOPIC: Do you find yourself spending an inordinate time focusing on ____________, to the point that it's limiting your overall progress? Fill in the blank; you know what "it" is! Part of this existence of duality/separation - driven by the ego/mind, as it was created to do - has been to look at the separate, individual bits that make up the bigger picture. In doing that, we've often become comfortable in the space of separation, to the point that we lose sight of the whole! This includes items as small as minor, non-debilitating physical ailments, minor hiccups in the flow of our day/week/month/year/life, and even individual events (including news and other media) that cause a blockage to allowing us to flow in and express our full Divine purpose!

This week, fellow spiritual practitioner and healing facilitator/instructor +Jennifer Cunnings will join me, and we'll talk about how to tell between when something is actually worthy to stop and look at, or if it's actually just a "shiny" that's holding us back. This can be physical, environmental, emotional (including holding yourself back because of someone else in your life)... you name it! We'll also discuss how to begin to flow past such distractions and blockages... so you can be all you came here to be!

DO YOU HAVE A RELEVANT QUESTION OR PERSPECTIVE PERTAINING TO THIS TOPIC? During the LIVE episode, you can type it in the Q&A box, or NOW you can CALL IN during the LIVE SHOW (via BlogTalkRadio), at +516 418 5791.

In the meantime, you can check out the "Living the Shift" (formerly "Spiritual Coffee") playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Find you're inspired to work with Angela, you can contact her through her Website, www.SpiritualAlchemy.net. <3


It has been too long since I have written to connect with you! Since everything is happening so fast, I haven't been in touch as often as I would like, but I wanted to post an update today to let you know the happenings!  There are several reasons why I haven’t been on top of communications and here are my excuses!  I have begun a couple of new creative projects that I'm super excited about, including writing a book and creating a new website (check it out).  My family and I have sold our home and purchased a new one in Allen, TX and we moved last week! On top of all of that, I am enjoying a thriving practice of wonderful clients and teaching classes! It’s really shaking out to be a year of lots of busy plus massive change and from what I can tell; I’m not the only one. I am seeing a consistent theme with my clients who are riding the wave of change.  Whether it’s personal, professional or just mental perspective changes, most of us are going through something that is rocking our world in one way or another.  I am privileged to witness and support these changes for some of you and I LOVE seeing the awareness, the epiphanies and the infusion of self-empowerment.  It is truly at time of self-reflection leading to enlightenment and a new way of interacting with the world.  We are realizing that we are very powerful beings who can manifest at the drop of a hat if we are clear in our energy.

If you are feeling stuck through any of these changes, know that you have all the resources and tools you need to get through. Use quiet time to breathe, meditate and ground yourself to access wisdom.  Use nature to clear your energy and get clarity.  Use movement and affirmations to move through areas where you feel stuck. We are experiencing some big shifts and it’s so helpful to support each other as we go through these changes.  If you need support, let me know how I can help!

On a side note, because of my upcoming move and then a trip in July to Mt. Shasta, California where I will be training to be a Trinity Energy Progression Facilitator, I have put some of my regularly scheduled events and classes on hold until August. There are several classes taught by other amazing teachers which will still be happening! Here’s a link to our growing Meetup group where you can stay informed of events and classes.  Holistic & Energy Healing Meetup

I hope all is wonderful in your world!

Warmest wishes, Jen


I have the privilege for working with the best clients in the world! I am so grateful that so many have contributed a review after working with me.  I’d like to share a few reviews with you here and if you want to read more, here’s the link:

Wow!  I have had great difficulty rising above a number of physical and emotional challenges that have hit in the past 6 months of my normally wonderful life! I finally reached out for help and I am so crazy for waiting. I felt so much better immediately following my session with Jennifer and I have continued to heal since. Reiki should be as normal a part of our routines as showering! Jennifer is also an amazing coach. She said all the right things to help me rebalance. ~Kathleen

Breakthrough!  Thanks so much for the much needed session. Stirring up all that energy allowed the most important blocks in my career to rise to the surface. You helped me clear them, and now I am on a roll again! God put you in my life at exactly the perfect time and place. ~Tracye

Gotta Love Jennifer! I come to Jennifer with any number of emotional concerns or worries. Maybe I feel sad. Maybe I worry about my future and lack hope. Maybe I am anxious over a recent financial blunder. Whatever worry or pain I may feel when I arrive, I know I will leave with a new resolve, a new strength and a new skill to help me deal with my particular tribulation. Every session with Jennifer is gift I give myself. ~Eva