Activate Your Miracle Creation Capacity
Activate Your Miracle Creation Capacity
Become the Creator of Miracles with Light Language Energy Activation
Step into the pure power of your being with this light language meditation. Clear the spectrum of identities and perceptions related to power, and tap into your source of creation. This experience will align you with your highest potential and activate your capacity for creating miracles.
Clear away any obstacles to accessing your innate power
Release blockages in your sacral chakra, the source of your creative energy
Align with your innate capacity to manifest miracles
Activate the full potential of your solar plexus power and tap into the keys and codes within your DNA
All you need to do is lay back, close your eyes, and receive the energy activation. Turn up the light of your solar plexus power and activate your highest potential for creation.
“Unbelievable experience
“You have to take Jennifer’s classes and have some work done by her. She is one of the most talented people I have met. The healing energy that she has and teaches is beyond comparison to anything. Go visit with her.””