
5 week COURSE bEGINS 7.20.21

(oN SALE!)

Awaken Your Inner Truth. Trust your guidance. Activate your Third Eye

Be Your Own Compass to Navigate Your Life

One of your Most Precious Gifts is your Intuition.

Creating a greater connection to the source of your truth and wisdom through intuitive practices and activations. Your intuition is your greatest gift and this course will anchor in your deepest connection to your divine truth.

  • Become a powerful intuitive to assist in guiding your life.

  • Connect with your spirit guides to receive divine wisdom.

  • Discern ego thought from intuitive guidance

  • Explore powerful techniques to align with your truth

What you get:

  • 5 Weekly live and interactive webinars via Zoom.

  • Weekly live energy-infused Facebook videos within a private FB group with a supportive community.

  • 5 weekly Modules with multiple lessons in Thinkific, an online learning platform with all the content, videos, exercises, meditations, and light language activations. You can access this content at your own pace.

  • A Surprise Guest Speaker!

  • Group support with the opportunity to connect and practice with your classmates.

When: Launches 7.20.21

What we’ll be doing:

  • Energetic meditations and journeying to awaken your intuition at deeper levels

  • Daily practices with intuition to deepen your trust

  • Light Language Activations activate the pineal gland, third eye, and trusting self.

  • Using tools such as oracle cards support your guidance

  • Learning how to use dowsing rods and pendulums to enhance knowing.

Your Inner Truth Shall set you Free

Let me tell you a quick story!

Prior to me having a stronger relationship with my inner guidance, I would second guess myself and exhaustingly mentally work out the pros and cons of choices, which would often lead me to analysis paralysis!

Today, I met a business coach through a friend and she offered me a package of sessions that was way more than I have ever spent on coaching. At first, I was a bit scared and nervous. My mind started to kick it with all the "buts and what-ifs. So I sat with myself and breathed. I quieted my mind, connected to my truth and wisdom of knowing beyond the mind. I got a big yes that I am supposed to do this. The choice was easy because I felt light, happy, and in alignment.

That's how intuition works. It's not loud and it doesn't have opinions. It never judges or worries. It just shares your truth. Neutral and clear!

Intuition is not nearly as loud as our mental/ego-mind that worries, talk too much, and is always looking to keep itself safe. Our intuition is soft, subtle and it whispers. The challenge is it can be difficult to listen to over the 70,000 thoughts the run through our mental minds per day.

Do you want the good news now? It is our natural state of being to connect with our intuition. We just need to remember how and incorporate super easy practices to cultivate this relationship.

Throughout my years of spiritual study, I have learned practices and intuitive enhancing techniques that are easy to implement. In this course, I will show you how! I will also support you by clearing any blocks you have to trust yourself and your inner knowing.

Your intuition can be your BFF forever that always has your back and gives you the most sage advice. Wouldn't it be nice to stop doubting your choices and more powerfully move in the directions that are in alignment with you?

Let's dive in and awaken your third eye, trust yourself, and more clearly hear guidance from your guides and higher-self!

Who is Jen?

I have been on a journey of spiritual awaking and raising my consciousness since my first Reiki class in the early ’90s! I have been healing, coaching, teaching, and facilitating thousands of people and groups on their journey to reconnect to their truth, power, and divinity. It is my greatest joy to be of service in a way that leads you to love yourself, express your truest nature, and be FREE!

Intuition Alchemy: 5 week Program - 7.20.21
Sale Price: $255.00 Original Price: $555.00