

Shifting Perspectives

Some days you just wake up and the world can seem a dismal place and you can feel like life is moving against you or like you're walking through water making little progress.  It's times like this where I pull out all the stops and take action to get myself back on track and shift my perspective to that which is alignment with myself and divine creator.  I make a conscious effort to raise my vibration and find that happy place again. 1. Step one - stop feeling sorry for myself and realize this is my ego surfacing trying to get my attention and surround me with fear.

2. Listen to a positive guided meditation to center myself to get back in touch with my true self.  Maybe take a hot sea salt bath to draw out toxic emotions.

3. Initiate shifting of perspective.  Acknowledge that these thoughts that have caused me distress and not real, but only a product of my ego (fear based thoughts).  If I choose to shift my perspective to that of higher consciousness and align with source, I can reach the place of peace and contentment that I know is the only "real" stuff anyway.

4. Get outside and commune with nature (I'll be heading to White Rock Lake later today).

5. Find some like-minded people to help lift me up or get some energy work done to rebalance my system.

My point is that you can take action and initiate a game plan to shift these feelings and elevate your emotions to higher perspectives.  As I'm writing this, I have now created my to do list for today!



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2 week detox program and metabolic profiling with support group

As soon as the holidays come to a close, many of us have the desire for some clean eating.  It’s the perfect time to begin the New Year with a supportive group to cleanse and detox our bodies, minds and souls!  Join us for this enlightening workshop that will kick of a two week cleanse with daily support and resources to help you along the way!

Learn how to eat according to your metabolic profile

Learn food elimination techniques to uncover if you have food sensitivities

Receive step by step daily support via email and support group forum

How to use your inner guidance to make healthy choices

Guided meditations to support the emotional aspects

Feel high energy and light on your feet!

When: January 11th from 3pm - 5pm – program kick off

January 18th 3pm - 5pm – support group

January 25th teleconference wrap up


Early registration (by December 22nd) $65.00

Registration after 12/22: $85.00

Where: Yoga Synergy Spa, 125 Cedar Sage Drive, Garland, TX

Firewheel Town Center Garland TX


With a strong conviction for a natural approach to a healthy living, Jennifer Cunnings studied with the world’s largest nutrition school, Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where she graduated as Holistic Health Coach and is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.  Jennifer is passionate about applying holistic healing techniques combined with hands on wellness coaching to support and enable each of her clients to access their own ability to transform.

“I am your personal advocate for living an energized and passionate life. I work with my clients to help them create happy, healthy lives in a way that is flexible, fun and free of denial and discipline. By working together, we can discover the lifestyle choices that best support you. Making gradual, lifelong changes enables you to reach your current and future goals”. ~ Jennifer Cunnings

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This certification class taught by Reiki Master/Teacher, Jennifer Cunnings provides an in-depth understanding of Reiki that far exceeds what can be taught in a one day course.  You will gain the confidence to feel and work with Reiki energy because you will have ample time to practice on yourself, friends and classmates.   You will receive a Reiki attunement at the end of each class which connects you to the Reiki frequency.

In this series you will learn and experience:

  • How to check and balance chakra system
  • How Reiki can provide healing for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects
  • What chakras are and why are they important to know about in energy healing
  • The specific Reiki hand positions (Western & Traditional styles)
  • How to scan for energy blocks and areas that need attention.
  • Cleansing activities to clean and protect your energy
  • How to listen to your own internal guidance system
  • How to give a powerful Reiki session on all living beings including yourself
  • Specific techniques for self-healing.

Where: 125 Cedar Sage Drive, Garland TX 75040

When: September 29, 2013 from 2pm – 5pm (4 week series)

$155 for the series includes manual, materials, hands-on practice,

4 Reiki attunements & Reiki Level I Usui Teate Certificate.

Pre-registration with $55 deposit is required by 9.21.2013 @ YogaSynergySpa.com

Jennifer Cunnings is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an active member of the International Center for Reiki Training. She is a Heart 2 Heart and Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner which enables her to apply vibrational energy therapy, including therapeutic essential oils and crystals to support the spiritual journey for each of her students and clients. She has her Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, has studied with the Dallas School of Metaphysics and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition®.  Jennifer is passionate about applying holistic healing techniques that enable each person to tap into their own ability to heal themselves.



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