Activate Your Light Language
An Evening to Awaken Your Gift of Light Language with Jen Cunnings
11.21.19, 6-8:30pm
@ The Haven or Online via Zoom
$55 Energy exchange
What Light Language can do for you!
• Self-healing (emotional, mental and physical healing)
• Clears energy blocks
• Assist in your intentions and manifestations
• Unlock other abilities and gifts
• Supports you in speaking your truth and being authentic self
• Upgrades DNA and raises frequency
• Helps sharpen and access intuition
• You can share this healing with others!
We will be playing with the following:
• Discover what light language is (also known as the “language of love”)
• How you can channel light language via:
o Sound
o Writing
o Drawing
o Movement
• Light language activations to support opening you up to your gift.
• Practice and play
Light language is being activated in people all over the planet and it is a gift that is available to EVERYONE! Light language transcends the mind and brings through a pure energy from your higher self, source and guides. It’s beyond our understanding and yet we feel it at a deep soul level.
Light Language is an energy that comes through you and is expressed through voice, sounds, writing, art and movement. It’s a pure expression of consciousness that is received at many levels.
It can change your DNA, create spontaneous healing, bring peace and a feeling of oneness. Many people report hearing messages and whisperings of guidance.
For an experience of Light language with Jen, you can check out here YouTube channel where she has posted several videos sharing this energy.
We will gather in person (online option available too) on Thursday evening 11.21 from 6-8:30pm. We will play and dive into this beautiful gift! BE SURE TO RSVP TO GET A SPOT!
Jen’s story with Light Language
I was introduced to Light Language nearly about 10 years ago through Judy Satori. I was so attracted to this strange sounds and even though my mind couldn’t wrap itself around what was happening, I loved the feeling I received when listening. I took a class with Judy in 2016 to learn how to do this for myself. At the time, I was in a lot of self-doubt and lack of trust so nothing really came through for me till about year or so later. I’ve now been channeling light language through sound and my hands for about two years.
I have been offering weekly light language healing group sessions every Friday at 12pm and I’ve seen some powerful shifts in my attendees with the addition of witnessing others awaking to their own gifts of light language.
We all have the ability to bring forth this energy in various ways. For some, writing down symbols is a primary way of brining the energy through. For others, like myself it comes through my body and my voice. My 8 year old son says it clears the bad energy away and replaces it with light energy.
I would like to share this gift with you so that you too can benefit from this powerful energy that comes through. I have seen this energy go into the DNA and into the chromosomes. Most of the time, I don’t even know what comes through, but I feel it’s power. I hope you will join me to awaken this magical gift within yourself!
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Earlier Event: November 12
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