This journey will help you up-level your life, open your gifts, embrace your power, remember how to self-love, show up as who you are and express your purpose!
This program is a labor of love that has been created over many years of personal healing, thousands of coaching/healing sessions, and countless training, certifications, and workshops!
I have developed this 6-month immersion journey to not only prepare you to become a practitioner yourself but to take a deep dive in your own personal journey of transformation.
We will cover many areas of healing, spirituality, ascension, 5D living, shadow work, DNA activations, abundance, light language, sound healing and so much more (see the outline of modules below).
Also included are expert speakers to enhance your learning experience.
You will learn how to access and apply healing tools to use on yourself and clients, so you always have access to your most powerful healing tool, YOU!
We will meet 9:30 am – 5:30 pm for a full weekend each month
on the following dates:
February 29–March 1
March 28–29
April 25–26
May 30–31
June – Virtual support with online meetings (no in-person weekend).
July 25-26 – Emphasis on starting your business as a professional practitioner
2-3 one-hour LIVE online meetings per month for Q&A, integration, and practice.
Private Facebook page for questions, updates, and group support
Benefits you will experience in this program:
Unlock your healing capacities and unique gifts
Connect with your intuition and build a trusting relationship with yourself
Access your power to drive your life the way you desire
Learn powerful healing techniques to move energy at all levels.
Move through your ascension journey with greater ease and creation ability
Navigate through the 5D and get out of 3D.
Experience effective manifestation and creation skills
Begin or deepen a meditation practice
Receive your Reiki Certification
Make healing and coaching a professional career
Module Two:
Intuition and Ascension Practices
The power of meditation and connecting to inner power
Unlock your gifts, capacities and power
What is ascension and how it applies to you
Ego/Separation versus Unity/Oneness
Trusting intuition and internal guidance system
Clearing judgement and blocks to creation
Connecting to Higher self
Manifestation techniques
Working with sacred/higher heart
Ascension overview and navigation
Healing emotional wounds through the body
Module One:
Energy Healing Starts with You
Hands on and Virtual Energy Healing
Working with vibrational frequencies
Self-sessions & sessions with others
Clearing spaces & objects
Activating and programing crystals and water
Multi-layered healing: emotional, physical & spiritual
Virtual healing sessions with people, animals and planet
Working with chakras & subtle energy system
Reiki Level One (Attunement and Certification included)
Module Four:
Energetic Tools, Practice, Play & Implementation
Crystals, Essential Oils and Oracle Cards
Living in 5D, Ascension Path and Embodiment of Higher Self
Crystalline DNA Activations
Trusting self and your own unique healing gifts
Nutrition, Emotions, Thoughts & Your ascension body
Practice & Implementation
Graduation & Certificates
Module Three:
Energy Activations, Meditations & Inner work
Inner child healing
Shadow work
Generational and ancestral healing
Body consciousness communication healing
Relationship healing (self & others)
Emotional triggers
Journeying and guided meditations
Reintegration of fragments or soul retrieval
Clearing and releasing statements
Light Language & Sound healing
Working with the elements and other energies
Affirmations and Creation Affirmations
Module Five: Starting a Professional Healing Practice
As a graduate of Marie Forleo’s business school as well as having explored many different business options, I have been exposed to so much information and have tons to share! Plus we will be having many guest speakers so you have a wide range of resources and support.
Logistics of starting a healing practice
Clearing abundance blocks and fear
Get clear on your purpose and align with your audience
Websites, branding, marketing
Follow up mentorship and coaching program offered (additional option)
Many resources offered!
$2220 – Personal version (5 months)
$2770 – Professional version (6 months)
This program is a culmination of my 20 years experience as an energy healer, 8 years of which has been as a professional coach, healing practitioner and teacher. This academy is for anyone seeking the tools and methods for their own healing journey and for anyone desiring to do this work professionally.
I began my healing journey with my first Reiki class back in the early 90’s. I devoured books about spirituality, other realms, energy healing and whatever I could get my hands on. I struggled as a teenager and early adult with anxiety, panic attacks and very low self-esteem. It’s been through my journey of healing, that I’ve been able to more easily create the life I dreamed of.
I was able to leave my corporate job in 2013 and start my professional healing practice (my dream). I’ve been able to cut the pattern of attracting toxic relationships and significantly diminish programs of people pleasing. I married a man and have a relationships with people who love and support me, rather than drain my energy. More and more, I’ve come into my own of knowing who I am and letting go of who I am not. Everything I have included in this program comes from my own personal healing journey as well as tons of trainings, classes and workshops. By no means do I profess to be at the end of my healing journey, as we are always, expanding, growing and becoming more of our true selves. This academy is designed for us to journey together as a intimate group in a safe and supportive environment.
Some of my training and certifications include:
Professional Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner
Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Integrative Institute of Nutrition
Trinity Energy Facilitator & Practitioner
Heart 2 Heart Healing Practitioner
Activate Your Crystalline DNA Program with Sandra Walter
Access Bars Foundation and Bars Practitioner
Light Language Channel and Activator
Blue Star Ascension Program with Angela McGerr
Completion of Marie Forleo’s B-School
Pending – Holographic Sound Healing